DoD Visual Information Style Guide (VISG)
Who uses the VISG?
Department of Defense Public Affairs, Combat Camera and other personnel engaged in the creation, editing and release of DoD Visual Information as defined in DoD Instruction 5040.02.
What is the VISG used for?
The VISG provides standardized guidance on writing captions and entering metadata associated with all DoD Visual Information. Well-written captions and robust metadata increase the value of Visual Information in both the short- and long-term.
The VISG supplements the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook and adheres to the tenets of spelling, grammar, punctuation and general style outlined by AP.
How often is it published? Who writes it?
The VISG is published annually around July 1, starting in 2018.
While the VISG is produced by the Lead Writer-Editor at DIMOC, the document receives significant input from members of the Visual Information Editorial Board, which meets twice a year and comprises Visual Information leaders of each of the services and DINFOS.
Can I provide input to the VISG?
Absolutely! Input from the field helps us create a better product for you. Please email DIMOC Customer Service with your suggestions.